Tools that help you get back what Amazon stole from you (The shady and the good)

Amazon has built the world’s most incredible supply chain.

But even they mess up.

  • They lose and damage your units, including returned units.
  • They miscalculate your FBA fees.
  • They mess up your inbound and recalled shipments to and from Amazon.

And the even more messed up thing is:

It’s YOU who then has to get active if you want Amazon to correct those mistakes.

But of course, where there are annoying tasks, there are service providers.

And if there ever was a type of task Amazon brands should outsource, it’s this.

Reimbursement claims are ugly, dry and bureaucratic.

And you need a LOT of patience to communicate with Amazon’s support.

Oh, and pretty much all of them only charge you when they get you paid by Amazon.

But are Getida, Seller Investigators, and all the other service providers all the same?

Of course not.

Not only do they charge different reimbursement recovery fees.

There are quite a few more nuanced differences that are difficult to see through.

Differences they don’t like to talk about (let alone mention on their websites).

In fact, about 20% of the 20 tools I requested a demo from, ignored all my contact attempts.

And 60% took ages to respond.

I gotta admit - it’s not what I’m used to from the other Amazon software markets I checked on (PPC, Profit, SEO).

At the end of the day, Amazon is stealing from you.

Or as Jon Derkits put it more mildly, they’re “conveniently not telling you” they owe you money.

So despite some of these service providers being super shady.

You want professionals to do something about that lost money.

You want to know know how much they charge.

And you want to know exactly what and how they do it.

After all, they have case managers who are actually speaking to Amazon on your behalf.

If you put your business into the wrong hands, it’s you who pays the price.

And you want to know whether they are using certain loopholes to rip you off.

So to summarize:

Doing nothing costs you money.

Having this kind of service gets you money - it’s an absolute no-brainer.

BUT it’s also a no-brainer to do proper research beforehand.

Or…simply use my research results (click to watch full Amazon Tools League video)

But if you want the TLDR(/W):

TrueOps seems to be the standout option right now.

Eva, too, is doing a great job, closely followed by Seller Investigators.

On that note, this was the first overview where the pricing affected the scoring system.

If it wasn’t for the (negotiable) 25% recovery fee from Seller Investigators, compared to TrueOps’ 10% fee, they would have been just ahead at the top.

But in the end it’s difficult to ignore that % difference…

Anyhow, as with all my overviews:

I try to bring as much transparency to the Amazon reimbursement market as possible.

It was the toughest market to look into so far, but I hope you get something out of it!

Keep on grinding



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